Arkadiusz Jadczyk
Curriculum vitae
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Education and scientific titles
- 1987 - Professor ordinary, scientific title.
- 1982 - Professor extraordinary, scientific title.
- 1977 - Habilitation, theoretical physics, University
of Wroclaw.
- 1970 - Ph.D., theoretical physics, University of
- 1966 - B. Sc, M.A., with High Distinction, theoretical
physics, University of Wroclaw.
- 2007- 2012 : guest professor, Center
C.A.I.R.O.S, Institute of Mathematics
of Toulouse, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
- 1998 - 2001 : contractor scientist,
Constellation Technology Corporation, Largo, Florida
- 1990 - 2004 : full professor,
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw.
- 1986 - 1990 : associate professor,
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw.
- 1970 - 1986 : assistant professor,
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw.
- 1966 - 1970 : PhD fellowship,
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw
- 1966 - 1966 : assistant lecturer,
Department of Mathematics, Higher Pedagogical School,
International research
- 10/1997 - 6/1998 Department of Mathematics,
University of Florida
- 2-4/1997 Department of Mathematics, University
of Florida
- 6/1995-2/1996 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum,
University of Bielefeld (Humboldt Award)
- 3-6/1995 Research Institute for Mathematical
Sciences, Kyoto University
- 7-9/1994 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum, University of
Bielefeld (DFG grant)
- 6-7/1994 Schrodinger Institute, Wien (visiting
- 3-5/1994 Research Institute for Mathematical
Sciences, Kyoto (JSPS fellowship)
- 3-5/1993 Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Florence (CNR vis. prof.)
- 10-12/1993 Laboratory of Theoretical Physics,
University of Marseille (EEG grant)
- 6-8/1993 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum, University of
Bielefeld (Humboldt grant)
- 3-4/1992 Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Florence (CNR vis. prof.)
- 5-6/1992 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum, University of
Bielefeld (Humboldt grant)
- 3-6/1991 Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Florence (CNR vis. prof.)
- 6-10/1991 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum, University
of Bielefeld (DFG and Humboldt grant)
- 5-7/1990 Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Florence (CNR vis, prof.)
- 2-5/1990 Center de Physique Theorique, CNRS
Marseille (CNRS vis. prof.)
- 3-10/1989 Laboratory of Theoretical Physics,
University of Marseille (CNRS vis. prof.)
- 2/1989 Arnold Sommerfeld Institute, Technical
University of Clausthal (Humboldt grant)
- 9-12/1988 Laboratory of Theoretical Physics,
University of Marseille (vis. prof.)
- 5-7/1988 BiBoS Forschung Zentrum, University of
Bielefeld (DFG grant)
- 3-4/1988 Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Florence (CNR vis. prof.)
- 9/1987 Arnold Sommerfeld Institute, University
of Clausthal (Humboldt grant)
- 9/1987 II Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Hamburg (vis. prof.)
- 5-7/1987 Department of Mathematics, University
of Rome (vis. prof.)
- 8-10/1986 Deutsche Elektronen Synchrotron
(DESY), University of Hamburg (vis. prof.)
- 6-7/1985 II Institute of Theoretical Physics,
Hamburg (vis. prof.)
- 9-10/1985 CERN Geneve (guest scientist)
- 5-8/1984 Center de Physique Theorique, CNRS
Marseille (vis. prof.)
- 10-11/1984 CERN Geneve (guest scientist)
- 10-12/1982 CERN Geneve (guest scientist)
- 1-10/1981 Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Goettingen (vis. prof.)
- 3-6/1980 II Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Hamburg (vis. prof.)
- 1-12/1976 II Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Hamburg (Humboldt grant)
- 6-9/1975 Institute of Theoretical Physics,
SUNY, Stony Brook, LI (NSF grant)
- 9-12/1970 CNRS, Marseille (guest researcher)
- Member of the Editorial Board of Reports
in Mathematical Physics
- Member of Advisory Board of Prespace
- Member of the Advisory Board of Journal
of Consciousness Exploration & Research
- Member of the Advisory Board of Scientific
Member of the Editorial Board of ISRN
Mathematical Physics
- Editor and co-editor of three conference proceedings,
and co-author of one monograph.
- Over 80 papers published, in particular in
professional journals such as: Acta Applicandae
Mathematicae, Annalen der Physics (Leipzig), Annals of
Physics (NY), Annales d'Institut Henri Poincare,
Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Central
European Journal of Physics, Chinese Journal of Physics,
Classical and Quantum Gravity, Communications in
Mathematical Physics, Foundations of Physics, Helvetica
Physica Acta, International Journal of Theoretical
Physics, Journal of Geometry and Physics, Journal of
Physics A, Letters in Mathematical Physics, Journal of
Statistical Physics, Nuclear Physics B, Physica D -
Nonlinear Phenomena, Nuovo Cimento B, Physics Letters A,
Progress in Theoretical Physics, Reports on Mathematical
Physics, Reviews in Mathematical Physics.
- Conference proceedings on: Advances in Dynamical
Systems and Quantum Physics, Biolelectronics, Are There
Quantum Jumps? - and On the Present Status of Quantum
Mechanics, Chaos - the Interplay Between Stochastic and
Deterministic Behavior, Differential Geometric Methods
in Theoretical Physics, Foundations of Modern Physics,
Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, General
Relativity, Infinite Dimensional Geometry, Non
Commutative Geometry, Operator Algebras, Fundamental
Interactions Mysteries, Puzzles and Paradoxes in Quantum
mechanics Nonlinear, Deformed and Irreversible Quantum
Systems, Open Systems and Measurement in Relativistic
Quantum Theory, Quantum Communications and Measurement,
Quantum Future, Quantum Groups, Quantum Theory of
Particles and Fields, Spinors, twistors, Clifford
algebras and quantum deformations, Stochastic Processes,
Physics and Geometry, Stochasticity and Quantum Chaos,
Supersymmetry and Supergravity, Superunification and
Extra Dimensions.
For a complete list, see the List of Publications.
- ``On Conformal Infinity and Compactifications of
the Minkowski Space", Advances in Applied
Clifford Algebras, DOI: 10.1007/s00006-011-0285-5, 2011,
- ``The Theory of Kairons'', Advances in
Applied Clifford Algebra, vol 19 (2009), p. 63-82
``Quantum Fractals on n-spheres,"
A. Jadczyk, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebra,
vol 17 no 2, December 2006).
- ``Piecewise Deterministic Quantum Dynamics and
Quantum Fractals on the Poincare Disk,"
A. Jadczyk, Reports on Mathematical Physics, Vol 54
No 1 (2004).
- ``Fundamental Geometric Structures for the Dirac
Equation In General Relativity,"
D. Canarutto, A. Jadczyk, Acta Appl. Math. 51
No 1 (1998) 59-92.
- ``Time of Events in Quantum Theory,"
Ph. Blanchard, A. Jadczyk, Helv. Phys. Acta 69
(1996) 613-635.
- ``Particle Tracks, Events and Quantum Theory,"
A. Jadczyk, Progr.Theor.Phys. 93 (1995), 631-646.
- ``Topics In Quantum Dynamics," A. Jadczyk,
in Infinite Dimensional Geometry, Non Commutative
Geometry, Operator Algebras, Fundamental Interactions,
Ed. R. Coquereaux Et Al, World Scientific, Singapore
1995, p. 57-91.
- ``Born's Reciprocity in the Conformal Domain,"
A. Jadczyk, in Wroclaw 1992, Proceedings, Spinors,
twistors, Clifford algebras and quantum deformations, p.
- ``Differential and Integral Geometry of Grassmann
Algebras," R. Coquereaux, A. Jadczyk,
D. Kastler, Rev. Math. Phys. 3 (1991), p. 63-100.
- ``Conformal Theories, Curved Phase Spaces,
Relativistic Wavelets and the Geometry of Complex
Domains," R. Coquereaux, A. Jadczyk,
Rev.Math.Phys. 2, (1990), p. 1-44.
- ``Graded Lie--Cartan Pairs. 2. The Fermionic
Differential Calculus," A. Jadczyk,
D. Kastler, Ann. Phys. 179 (1987) p. 169-200.
- ``Geometry of Multidimensional Universes,"
R. Coquereaux, A. Jadczyk, Commun. Math. Phys.
90 (1983) 79-100.
- ``Conservation Laws and Stringlike Matter
Distributions," A. Jadczyk, Ann. Inst. H.
Poincarč 28 (1983) p. 99-111. (2000).
- ``Superspaces and Supersymmetries,"
A. Jadczyk, K. Pilch, Commun. Math. Phys. 78
(1981) p. 373-390.
- ``On Some Groups of Automorphisms of Von Neumann
Algebras with Cyclic and Separating Vector,,"
A. Jadczyk, Commun. Math. Phys. 13 (1969) p.
- monographs:
`` Quantum Fractals : From Heisenberg's
Uncertainty to Barnsley's Fractality'',
World Scientific, 2014, ISBN-10: 9814569860
- ``Riemannian Geometry, Fiber Bundles,
Kaluza-Klein Theories And All That, R.
Coquereaux, A. Jadczyk, World Scientific, Singapore
(1988) 345 p. (World Scientific Lecture Notes in
Physics, 16)
- Courses on: Algebra and Geometry (including computer
assisted linear algebra), Mathematical Analysis
(including computer assisted Calculus), Differential
equations (ordinary and partial), Riemannian Geometry,
Relativity (special and general), Quantum Mechanics,
Methods of Mathematical Physics: (including: measure and
probability, Fourier, Laplace and other integral
transforms, functional analysis, differential equations,
generalized functions, analytic functions, etc.; also:
computer assisted), Mathematical Foundations of Quantum
- International
Society on General Relativity and Gravitation
- International
Association of Mathematical Physics
- European Physical Society
- Humboldt Foundation Award for research: 1995
- Polish Ministry of Science and Education for
scientific achievements:1970,1976,1985,1990,1996
- Polish Academy of Sciences for scientific
achievements: 1972,1973
- Polish Ministry of Science and Education for
excellence teaching: 1980
- First Award of the Student Association for excellent
teaching: 1983,1984,1985.
- Polish